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dominiccook.xyz Vistor's Manual


Dominic Julien Cook - some information about me for visitors of my website


I received my Bachelors of Science in Mathematics from North Central University (NCU) in May of 2024. I spent a total of 2 years at NCU. At the time, NCU did not have much for a Math Department, so all of my courses were considered Directed Research (DR). These DR math courses were all directed by either: Casey Rozowski, Ph.D. or Kazeem Adepoju, Ph.D.. I am immensely grateful to them for having taken the time out of their schedules to do me that service, seeing that they were both serving as full-time professors at other universities.

Moving forward, I would like to pursue a Mathematics Doctorate of Philosophy with an emphasis on financial modeling. I am increasingly interested in financial applications in Number Theory, Harmonic Analysis and other related fields.